Saturday, May 9, 2009

R2 D26: -1
R2 Total: -20.2

Water: 3.25 ltr

My scale is so strange. I woke up at 5:30am and had to go to the bathroom. While I was up I decided to weigh myself... only down .2 from yesterday... it was a little depressing. I went back to bed cause its Saturday and slept a little more. After I woke up I did a little house work and didn't get around to drinking anything so by 8:30 when I decided to have my shower I figured I would try weighing again.... now I'm down a whole pound! Don't know how it happened, but I'll take it... of course the scale may not be so kind tomorrow but I'll take a pound today even if its just cause I have a wonky scale!

Went for a 50 min leisurely walk with a friend yesterday and planted my tomato plants... good day off.

Last night all of my friends I hang out with were either busy or sick at home so I was feeling a little lonely... now usually I would feel an invisible force pulling me to the store where I would buy a bag of chocolate covered almonds.. then I would make a pot of tea and let the tea melt the chocolate in my mouth..... my substitute for company... those were the days! Last night I allowed myself to feel a little lonely then I went and rented a movie.... really wasn't that bad...

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

1 comment:

  1. LOL about the changes in the scale... I weigh myself every time I get up at night and am always amazed at how it drops right up until the time that I usually weigh (about 8:30)... !
    Good job doing something different from the norm last night~ I think that is one of the biggest challenges in losing the weight and keeping it off, is finding alternate ways to nurture ourselves and fill ourselves when we feel lonely, tired, depressed, etc. Way to go!
