Thursday, May 7, 2009

R2 D24: +.2
R2 Total: -18.8

Water: 2.5 ltr

OK, I refuse to get discouraged about my first plus. Its only .2 and I really haven't hit a stall this round besides one day staying the same. My body will let go of the weight when its ready.... just have to get my mind on the right attitude and things will drop again... I refuse to get discouraged, I refuse to get discouraged....

Montana girl was talking about getting too caught up in our goals yesterday.... getting disappointed if we don't quite make "the number" when we should be proud of our accomplishments.... I totally agree with her & I promise not to get disappointed no matter what my LIW is this round, but her blog got me thinking about all the numbers bouncing around my head all day, every day....

45.6: when I lose 45.6 pounds I will be half way to the current goal.

190: when I hit 190 I will be the same weight I was when I hiked the West Coast Trail therefore I'll feel confident doing my 80 kilometer (48 mile) hike in the rockies this summer.

50: when I hit 190 I will have lost 50 pounds!!

185: when I hit 185 I will not longer be considered obese, but just overweight.

160: I absolutely HAVE to be under 160 when I go visit old friends at the end of August.

Then there's the continuous calculating going on in my head... if I average .4 of a pound a day I'll lose this much by the end of this round. If I average .6, I'll lose that much.... on & on it goes...

I know I should really stop and just enjoy looking at the scale drop every day no matter what the number is... but I can't help myself! I think the numbers and continuous calculating is helping me stay motivated on the hard days so I will continue to allow these numbers to swim around in my mind until "the numbers" are under 150 pounds!!

“All good things come to he who waits”


  1. Hey Blondie, you are doing amazing! 18 lbs in 24 days? On R2? How wonderful is that! Way better than the 1/2 lb average for a woman...and extraordinary for any other diet on the planet! Hang in there and give yourself credit! Great job!

  2. Hey Blondie, My numbers keep me motivated too. I am doing the diet with a friend that weighs in Mon, Wed, and Fri. But for me, The first think I think of in the morning is "What is the number for today? Is it less than yesterday? How much farther?", and on an on. It is this constant calculation that keeps me from cheating with carbs every day. Congratulations, you are doing well.
