Tuesday, April 21, 2009

R2 D8: -.6
R2 Total: -9.2
Total Loss: -33.6

Water: 3 ltrs

Two mornings in a row I weigh... then decide I have to go to the bathroom.... afterward I reweigh and the scale goes down a smigit. (thats two days in a row I had a bm... the things that excite me these days! HA!!) Today I'm happy with a loss. I looked at the calendar and realized that TOM is due by the weekend... I'm used to getting my period to the exact day, but since starting hcg I find I'm out by a few days here and there so not exactly sure when it'll come... I'm hoping that's what's slowed things down.

I was a good girl yesterday with the exception of getting my water in a little late. Was up peeing a lot last night but slept good in between.

Wow am I noticing smells... other food smells sooooo good but I totally have the control not to eat. On the weekend I went to a major curling event (I know, my friends harass me cause I watch curling, but its a very interesting sport when you understand the game!) in a colesium where there were fries, nachos and popcorn tickling my nose all day... it all smelled so wonderful but I had absolute control.... I LOVE IT!! Last night was the ultimate test, my Japanese room mate was making desserts with melted chocolate.... (I'm a self proclaimed chocoholic.... I'm not kidding, its a real problem for me) when the chocolate didn't melt right she had a big lump of soft gooy chocolate sitting on the counter and two of my room mates were eating it in front of me.... smelled so wonderful, but I didn't really feel that tempted.... now that's what I call a miracle.... have I mentioned that I love hcg????

A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline. - HarveyMackay

1 comment:

  1. You are a strong person. I love chocolate as well. Great job getting over those obstacles and not giving into temptation!
